
The Township of King archival collection reflects the personal, social and commercial documented past of the Township. On-site resources include 200+ family histories, letters, photographs, land deeds and 100 years of tax records (1850-1950). The archives are a rich resource that can be accessed by appointment by genealogical researchers and history buffs alike.

To start your research, fill out the form below and our Archives Volunteers will be happy to assist you. Be sure to give us as much information as possible so that we can point you in the right direction. You can either make an appointment to conduct your own research with our volunteers, or we can do the work for you for a fee of $25.00 per hour. 

Please note that our Archives Volunteers are on-site on a part-time basis; you may expect a response in 3-5 business days. If your inquiry is time sensitive, please call the KHCC at 905-833-2331.

Thank you.

Information that may assist researchers such as name/subject, birth/death dates, location/address, etc.  Send as separate attachment below if required.
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After 30 minutes of free research, I hereby authorize KHCC researchers to conduct extra hours of research at a cost of $25 per hour to a maximum dollar amount of:
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